Friday, July 19, 2019

No Such Luck

i remember an old
girlfriend, if you can
call her that,
she was a friend, and yes,
she was girl,
she proved that frequently
with uninhibited charm.
she was a cupcake
with a lot of icing.
it was a few years ago
when I was on the prowl
looking for the real thing.
the honest to god end to this
I was in, dating up a storm.
we went out
for a month,
maybe three weeks, but i was
mad about her. infatuated
to the bone.
couldn't wait to see her,
take her anywhere, a car,
the woods,
a phone booth,
take her home.
she put me in therapy
after it ended.
it's funny. not even four weeks
and i was doomed, even though
she was crazy as the day is long,
and involved
with others, her husband
still in the house
living in the basement.
she worshiped her phone.
it rang and pinged all day,
all night long.
her kid flunking grade
school. spinning like a top
on sugar.
three dogs, a snake in
a cage.
she was fun for about five
minutes. drinking, laughing,
carousing around. she was a live
wire, but
it was all about her,
she needed the attention,
a narcissist on crack,
and I gave it to her.
i was on her ride for a short
while, a rollercoaster,
of angst, pain worry
and anxiety.
i leaped off to save my life.
you'd think i'd learned
something after that,
became wise to women like
her, the jezebels that crush
your soul, but no such luck.

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