Sunday, July 28, 2019

the days of milk and honey

it's the same old story.
boy meets
girl meets boy.
love ensues.
the honeymoon takes place.
they can't wait
to be together under the silver
it goes smoothly for awhile.
hugs and kisses, sweet
whispered into welcoming
ears. two peas in a pod.
then all hell
breaks loose.
the toilet seat is up.
toast gets burned,
an old boyfriend calls,
no one is who you thought
they were.
the masks have fallen.
the milk goes sour,
the honey rancid.
there's a smell about it all,
that you just can't
get rid of. doors are now
exits, not
ways to get in.
the lying begins.
betrayal. secrets
come to light.
denial. tears, threats.
vows are broken.
it's the same old story.
boy meets girl.
girl meets boy.
love ensues, until it
doesn't anymore.

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