Monday, July 29, 2019

we tried to warn you

i should have said
i don't
when the justice of the peace
in the empty
basement of my house said,
do you take this
woman to be your lawfully
wedded wife, etc.
but no.
like an idiot, i agreed,
and said i do,
despite knowing and going
against very single
intuitive feeling
i possessed.
my heart and mind
was fluttering wild with
red flags.
my spider sense was tingling
to the nth degree.
beware it screamed. run,
don't do it.
i was a moth to the flame,
a sheep to slaughter.
even her family admitted
later that i was doomed.
we wished we would have
warned you they told me
apologetically after the deed
was done. she's a
freaking nightmare,
a rollercoaster of emotions,
she's been like this
she destroys
everyone she meets,
and she'll destroy
you too.
they owe me, big.

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