Sunday, July 28, 2019

we crave candy

we are all addicts
of some kind.
whether it's coffee, or
sex, or wine.
we all need a fix
of some sort.
exercise. work.
a man, a woman,
some semblance of love,
our phones.
texting endlessly,
our social media.
the lure of it all.
power and control.
we all try to soothe
our troubled
lives, resolve
our pasts, our unloving
or spouse,
with something or
someone else, hanging on
for dear life to
what's bad for us.
what's false.
we medicate to make
the days
and nights go easier.
we need that boost,
that high. the adrenaline
rush. the dopamine.
year in year out,
we never let go
of what needs to be
let go of.
instead we soothe,
we mend, we placate
with another hit,
another fix.
it's a circle without
an end. we crave

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