Wednesday, July 24, 2019

the condo board

the condo police
are out there in full force.
large women in flowered
curtain like dresses,
with clipboards
and cameras.
they stand in front of my
shaking their heads, mumbling
writing furiously
about the color
of my door, it's one
shade off the red
that's required, and that
bag of trash, that's
out there, 45 minutes
before it's allowed.
is that a new knocker
on the door,
a new mail box slot?
who said you could go with
brass instead of gold?
and those windows. when
are you going to replace
and your car is slightly
askew, nearly touching
a white line where
you parked it in your
spot. they post their
findings on my door, with
a list of pending fines
if these things are not
taken care of soon, like
within the week, and not
a day more.

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