Tuesday, July 30, 2019

rewire the brain

i get out my medical bag,
scalpel, syringes, wires,
clamps, antiseptics.
cotton balls.
i am going to rewire
my brain.
i send away for a manual,
the necessary
instructions i need to
go in
and fix the faulty connections
that are adversely affecting
my way of thinking.
causing wrong choices
in my relationships and other
aspects of my life,
but there are no tools
it's just words of advice.
let go,
trust god, get busy, move
on, don't look back.
be good, be kind, be fun.
be creative, be compassionate.
clear the toxic souls,
the energy vampires that
suck the joy and hope
from your life. and
remember, it's not
a sprint, but a marathon.

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