Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Zombie Hygiene

there's a lot of talk
about zombies
these days.
and movies, television
shows. Zombie
zombie that.
it's a fun craze in a way.
the dead
coming back to life.
they want to eat us,
but fortunately they
are slow of foot
and have limited brain
function, and for some reason
they've lost the ability to talk,
emitting grunts of some sort
in a guttural
foreign language.
they don't seem
to be enjoying
they're second shot at life 
and living.
which is sad.
their hygiene is pathetic.
they don't shower or
brush their teeth anymore,
or dress properly.
God knows if they're even
lifting the lid up
on the commode.
i wish they could find
a way to relax
and take it easy, and perhaps
stop trying to bite
maybe read a book, or go to
the beach.
get some therapy.
we all really need to get along,
the dead,
and the living.

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