Tuesday, June 18, 2024

do i really need a bucket list?

i tell a few friends about my
to retire.
they've all quit work years
i see them
at the lake,
throwing bread to ducks.
i see them
at the stores shopping,
or at restaurants
getting the sunset
i see them with luggage
on top
of their cars as they
fly off
to distant lands.
with passports in hand.
they tell me it's time to start
going through
my bucket list.
one by one.
doing all the things i wished
i could have done
but couldn't because
of work.
then i realize i don't have a
bucket list.
there's no list at all.
do i need to see the grand
or hike the Appalachian Trail,
not really, Iceland,
do i need to go to Hawaii
or France?
i guess it might be fun, i tell
them with a shrug.
but doing nothing, absolutely
nothing for awhile
except for writing 
and reading books
is all i really care to do
at the moment.
maybe by a ridiculous red
sports car,
maybe sleep in, too.

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