Saturday, June 22, 2024

when the housekeeper spills the beans

i never should
have given the housekeeper
a glass of wine,
which turned
into two glasses of wine,
and a shot
of tequila.
oh my.
the stories she told me
once she got going,
her shoes off
and her feet propped
up on the coffee table.
the vacuum still plugged
into the wall.
i egged her on.
please Milagro, go on,
go on i told her.
she went through her list
of clients,
former and current, 
one ex-wife and
friends of mine,
even ones that have passed
into the great beyond.
i told her she should
write a book, a memoir
of sorts, but change
the names to protect
the innocent and
the guilty. 
here have another
this book will be a

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