Tuesday, June 25, 2024

just daydreaming a little

when you go into a bank,
you look
and wonder if you could
rob this particular
pull a hold up
ala Bonnie and Clyde,
minus Bonnie,
or a getaway car.
there's one security guard,
a Barney Fife kind
of fellow
in the corner.
is that even a real gun
in his holster?
he seems distracted by the lollipop
he's sucking.
there's cameras
of course,
and the plexiglass shielding
the clerks.
from mayhem.
but the door of the giant vault 
is slightly ajar.
there's a manager
in his windowed office 
with the door
closed, probably writing
up a loan.
could i get away with it?
but how much would
i demand
in my handwritten note?
the only problem is
that i have three accounts here,
checking, and a retirement
not to mention that they
know me by name.
maybe i should
put this whole idea
on hold.

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