Saturday, June 29, 2024

earth needs women

women, not all,
but most,
can't help themselves. once
a mother
always a mother,
their instincts kick in.
they want to care for you.
to put a Band-Aid
on your wound.
to feed you,
to tuck you in at night.
they want
to make sure
you take the umbrella
when it might
they help
you button your 
coat up tight. they find
your gloves for you.
they know where
things are.
the aspirin, the thermometer,
the paperclips and staples,
the peanut
butter jar.
they know where you
left your
keys, your watch.
they keep track of your
doctor appointments.
they always lock
the doors.
and this is just the short list.
more to come
i'm sure.

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