Wednesday, June 12, 2024

the apartment after the divorce

yes, it's an old
crummy apartment,
with bugs
and mice, one bedroom,
built fifty years
when they were making everything
out of cardboard,
but i'm happy here 
after the financially
crushing divorce.
it's a waterfront
go pull open that sliding glass
door, and step
out onto
my concrete stoop
and observe the man-made pond,
but hold your nose.
sometimes the sewage
backs up into it,
and the water is stagnant
with no way out.
but you should see it when
the sun sets, and you can see
all the beautiful and lovely
oil slick rainbows
that appear and
bullfrogs riding on empty
amazon boxes.
they're supposed to dredge it 
this week
for a missing body.
there was a gangland murder upstairs
in Three-B.
i thought the gunshots were
after hearing the
bang, bang, bang. oh well.
okay, let's go back inside,
these mosquitoes 
are killing me this year.

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