Wednesday, June 12, 2024

come here and sit beside me little whippersnapper

live long
enough and you start to tell people
how it was
back in the day.
you start saying things like,
back in the day.
you're that old.
come here and sit
beside me
little whippersnapper,
and let me
tell you a story.
you try to ignore
the yawning,
as people rub their
eyes and look
at their watches,
but you tell them about gas being
twenty-nine cents
per gallon, or
the 235 dollars it cost
to rent your
first apartment
each month,
utilities included.
you talk about ten cent
nickel ice cream cones,
twenty-five cent hamburgers.
two-dollar haircuts
and fifty cent
double features at the bijou.
you regal them
with the story of how
you stayed 
in a boardwalk hotel once
for five dollars a night.
of course there
was no air conditioning,
and no sheets
on the bunk beds, but hey.
we were young,
and it beat sleeping
out on the sand,
which was free, by the way.

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