Friday, July 3, 2020

the middleburg fox hunt

she says
let's go on a fox hunt.

she's wearing her riding boots
and sharp

black jacket
with a matching hat.

quite snazzy.
there's a riding crop in her hand

and a bugle in the other.

come on, it will be fun.
the dogs will chase them out of the brush

and then we'll shoot

I don't know I tell her. I don't really
want to eat
any little foxes.

oh no, she says, we aren't going to eat

just kill them and maybe make
a little coat out of them.

come on, it'll be fun, the woods
are full of foxes.

don't be a stick in the mud.

but I don't have a gun, or rifle, or
even a sling shot.

it's cool, I have one you can borrow.
it's loaded

so be careful. ever been on a horse

no. horses scare me, can't I just run
along side you? or get on my bike?


maybe we can just scare the foxes
and not kill them.

hit them with a rock or something,
but gently.

why are we doing this anyway? it's hot

and there's bugs all over the place.

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