Wednesday, July 22, 2020

where was that wisdom?

you think of yourself
as being smart.

clever, well read, intuitive
dare i say, spiritual at times.
you say wise

help others when they're troubled.

you don't steal, you don't lie.
you don't sleep
with other people's wives.

you've never struck another person
in anger.
you let everyone into
the lane
in front of you.

you hold doors for others
you give up your seat.
you tip
your hat, and you tip
your wait staff.

but then again
there is a dark side.

a dumb side when it comes
to love.
you are easily fooled by those
wearing the pretty mask.

where is that wisdom when you
really need it?

you have a petty mean streak in
if hurt.

if abused or lied to.
especially if betrayed.

there is a deep feeling of wanting
of some sort,

unable to wait for karma to come
back around

you have a tendency to
 bad mouth others
when you feel disrespected.

the child in you cries out
when hurt.

but then you get a good nights sleep
and start over.

you try to do better the next day.
hopefully there's
enough time to work all these
things out.

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