Monday, July 27, 2020

rolling dice

as we sit in the shade
her peeling a banana
and me
with an orange, she says

she believes
we came from a string of monkeys
to walk
once fishes in the sea.
and i don't.
she laughs and laughs.
you mean you
don't believe in evolution.
no, i tell her,
i don't. it's just a theory.

and so how
do you think we arrived here,
she says.
and i say,
i really don't know or care,
but i do believe that
a divine power
must have been involved at
some point.
to which she says,
oh my.

so many varied species,
just look
at the beauty
in the sky. everything
is not random.
everything appears to be
by design.
as Einstein says, God is
not rolling dice
with the universe.

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