Tuesday, July 21, 2020

The Red Roosters

every year or so
i get the notice from elaine about the next
high school reunion.

she's been doing this for 50 years.

she used to sit behind me in
social studies

wearing her pilgrim dress.

we called her mother.
always telling us to quit talking,

or chewing gum.
she was 60 years old, even then.

her hair up in a bun,
her hand

perpetually raised with an answer,
or a complaint

about how others
were misbehaving.

she writes a long e mail
apologizing for the smallness of the venue.

a burger joint along route 7.

so many have died, she says,
or are sick

or in wheelchairs and walkers
and won't be able to attend.

but there will be access ramps

Mr. Brody the science teacher who
is now 92 promises to show up though.

Go Braves, she ends it. our team
mascot, which is no longer in use.

but is now the Red Roosters.
politically correct.

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