Wednesday, July 29, 2020

time to walk away

you know when to walk away.
when to throw in
the towel, throw up the white

you get it.
you're on your own.
never asked, how you are,
with  work, with health,
with anything that has
anything to do with your life.

it's just their drama, their
problems, their aches and pains
that matter.

you are just a set of ears
to listen, to shake your head
and sigh, and feel sorry
for them.

they've  got nothing for you.
not a kiss, not a hand, not 
an ounce of wonder
about your life.

nothing. they could care less.

taken for granted, stuck in a world
run amok
with narcissism.

you know when it's time to walk
time to get healthy,

begin the new day.

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