Friday, July 31, 2020

a taste of what hell might be like

i was in atlantic city once.
just once.

a dump.  the ocean can't rise 
fast enough
to erase it from the world.

no matter how much lipstick
you put
on betty davis at the end
of her career,
it didn't matter.

there were throngs
of  bused in
old people with buckets of coins.
social security

petty gangsters and whores,
who would
never drown on account of
their enormous surgical enhancements,

standing in line. blue haired
seniors, shaped like gum drops
melting in the sun,
grim in the noisy

people in wheel chairs,
in by nurses for one last
pull of the arm
to win

ten dollars.

it seemed to be a small taste
of what hell was going to be like

for some people.

some i was once related
to once, by the institution 
of marriage.

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