Tuesday, July 21, 2020

we've rented it out, so why bother

you call yourself a professional
she says

in her email, there are little specks
of our popcorn

ceiling everywhere. we might have to
vacuum before
we rent it out again.

just because it's never been painted
and is smoked damaged
and has absorbed all the grease
and grime of the last
15 tenants, still you should have
been more careful
in putting three coats of paint on it.

and yes, we know we haven't
the carpet in 25 years,

or cleaned the ancient stove,
or painted the chocolate brown
or fixed the squeal in the refrigerator,
but you

should be more responsible.
and that black caulking in the tub,
where the mold
has grown,

maybe we'll rip it out in a few years,
and fix
the leaking faucets, and the always
running toilet,

and get an ac unit that actually
blows out cold air.

but we've rented it out already, and
so why bother.

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