Wednesday, June 5, 2024

the plan was

the plan was,
that your parents
in a warm
supportive household.
you went to school.
you lived
in a nice neighborhood.
you had a dog
a cat, maybe.
maybe you got the measles
or had your tonsils
that being the worst of it.
there was a swing set
in the back yard,
a pool.
you went to church
on Sundays.
you played ball.
you made friends.
you kept your nose clean.
you delivered papers 
in the morning.
you went to college,
met a girl.
fell in love,
got married, had kids
of your own.
you kissed your wife
every morning and took
the train into
the city.
where you worked
for forty years.
then you retired and took
up gardening
or golf.
it all went by so quickly,
you say
to yourself, looking back.
what went wrong.

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