Wednesday, June 12, 2024

running into Father Smith at the 7-11

i run
into Father Smith at the 7-11.
i see he's
about to buy
eight hot dogs,
straight off the greasy
grill behind
the counter.
don't they feed you over
at the rectory
i ask him,
as we stand in line together.
it's taco
Tuesday, tonight he tells me.
i hate Mexican food.
not Mexican people
mind you, it's just that the food
upsets my stomach.
plus i'm thinking
about entering the fourth
of July
hot dog eating contest
at the church
on the 4th of July.
i'm practicing.
you should come by.
oh, thanks but no thanks, i tell him.
but did you know that hot dogs
cause Leukemia
in children?
it's true, something about
the meat,
the nitrates
and chemicals, all the floor
sweepings that go
into the casing.
google it.
okay, he says, rushing out,
stuffing mustard packets
into his black
see you this
Sunday, right? he says.
we could use a hand a the men's
pancake breakfast
Bible study.
maybe, i tell him. maybe.

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