Saturday, June 15, 2024

it's hard to tell

they're gone now,
they've moved,
the neighbor next door.
but he didn't say
much in the years
we lived next to one another.
i'd see him going to work
in the morning,
lunch pail
in hand.
overalls and hat,
out to his truck.
sometimes he'd kiss his
on the stoop.
we rarely talked,
but he seemed like a good
guy. the grill out
the dog,
the country music
down low.
the flag decal
on his window.
the gun rack.
he kept to himself,
and quiet.
a hard worker,
a good man. sometimes
i'd hear him
chopping wood
out back.
was he happy? who knows,
like with all of us,
it's hard
to tell.

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