Sunday, June 2, 2024

a better education

bored with school
we would
skip school
and take the A-2 Archive
bus into downtown
on a cold
winters day.
with a pocket full of change
peruse the pinball
take in a movie at
Lowe's Palance, eat
chicken at the International
we'd sit in on congress,
take the subway
the supreme court to the Capitol.
have a bowl
of bean soup
and be on our way.
we were all the over 
the place.
down to the monuments,
to the Museum of Natural History,
then the Portrait Gallery,
we'd peer into
the doors of the Blue
Mirror gentlemen's club
before being
chased away.
we'd go into the magic shop
on 9th street
across from the FBI building
and buy loaded
dice and
gum that would turn our
tongues black.
then at last, 
with all the money gone,
but bus fare
we'd head back.

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