Sunday, February 16, 2020

relationship amnesia

it's not uncommon, in fact
it's quite ordinary

for one to get relationship amnesia
when you've been away from someone
for awhile.

you romanticize the few good
things that occurred

when you were with a significant other,
time and distance making

the heart grow erroneously fonder.

you completely
forget, as if your brain
has been doped, about

the lying, the cheating and betrayal,
the emotional
abuse and
constant turmoil.

you gloss over the insanity of the time
you spent with this person.

it's like you go into a coma
unable to wake up

and remember the hell
you went through.

crazily, you actually think
this person, unblocking them
from your phone

and social media,

texting or sending them a letter
and reminiscing about
all the good times.

then you come to your senses.

the letter would be short,
a few words, perhaps.
the texting
one line,

the call would last ten seconds.
what good memories?

hardly any come to mind.

so few if any, from what
what I can recall.

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