Saturday, February 29, 2020

Weekend Work

work is her salvation.
burrowed in behind the locked

door of the office.

she needs the desk, the screen
the phones.

the quietness of Saturday
and sunday


no office mate to close the door

no boss wondering where
his glasses
or keys are.

she finds strange solace, bent
at the cold machines,

texting, or talking to whomever
she wants to.

no guilt, no fear, no worries
about being caught

with all her lies.

her long hands on
on the keyboard
she wiles away the hours.

wishing dark would come.
it's not about money, or ambition.

it's about having nothing
else to do

with her life.
and the years trickle by
like a cold

rain, as she sits
and looks out window,

knowing sadly, that
there is no place better
to hide.

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