Thursday, February 20, 2020

you can leave your hat on

i start thinking about hats.

hats to keep the sun
of my smooth

rounded dome.

maybe a beret, or one of those
like the irish wear.

or a fedora.
something a writer might wear.

a houndstooth hat.
or a gangster hat like in those

noir movies. like the ones
cagney and bogart
would wear

while blasting away with their

or a cowboy hat with a shiny
star in the middle.

maybe a pith helmet, or a little

my ex would say, a dunce cap,
but i'm

thinking one of those tall hats
like the ones the pope or a bishop wears,

about a foot tall made of
gold threads,

with jewels embedded.

or maybe a turban. yeah.
or better yet, a miner's helmet

a little light on the front.

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