Wednesday, February 19, 2020

the home life

i miss
things that I've never had.

but miss them
as if they were mine all along.

simple things.
the wife
at home.

her kiss hello as i come in from
the day.

the children in the yard
rushing in to greet me,

the dog at my feet, the aloof
cat on the sill.

i miss the hot meal.
the talk

of what everyone did with their

the talk of tomorrows. of summers.
of where we would

i miss the pillow talk of a loved
the touch of her,
the silk of her.

the glow of her smile.
the words she said.

the sleepy yawn before bed.

i miss us dancing.
the children too, beneath us,
on our feet as we moved
about the kitchen

the songs we all knew.
i miss all of this, as if it happened.

the same goes for you.

1 comment:

Di said...

I like this, too. Don't need the last line. Some of it along the way could be pared down a bit, too. But the gist of it and mood of it is nice.