Tuesday, February 18, 2020

the omen

i remember the time
she came
over and drank three or four

glasses of pina coladas.
she went from giddy
to wobbly

in no time.

she spent the next four hours
curled around
the toilet
on the bathroom floor.

i checked on her
to see if she had expired.

a groan, a moan eeked out
from under the door.

i watched a movie.
made popcorn,

had a sandwich. talked on
the phone.

ordered more things i didn't
need on amazon.

checked on her again,
then finally dragged her out

up the stairs to put her in
the guest room.

i set a glass of water on
the table beside her.

two aspirins and an ice
bag for her head.

i pulled her shoes off,
then gave her
an extra blanket.

told her i'd be down hall
if she needed anything.

all of it an omen as to what
lied ahead.

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