Monday, February 24, 2020

it's not impossible

sometimes the pebble in your shoe
makes you stop.

you bend over and sit upon
the curb.
you take the shoe off and shake
the tiny stone free.

then slip the shoe back on,
tie the strings.

but you sit there a little while

maybe too long.
people stop and ask if you're

your hat lies beside you, you've
loosened your tie, before
long the hat is full

of money, ones and fives.
you smile and say thank
you. thank you.
you nod.

the sun is on your face. you are still
young, you think.
the warm sun always reminds you
of the beach.

there is so much of the world
left to see.
love is not impossible.
it's not out of reach.

finally, you get up, a whole
afternoon has passed.

you put the money into your pocket
and put your hat on.

you go home. thankful
for the pebble. it made you stop.
it made
you think.

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