Wednesday, November 6, 2019

throwing the first stone

i feel bad about some things I've

blowing up someone, ratting them out,
letting the world
know who they really are,
but then i think.

they deserve it.

then i think, well, who am i to
toss stones, I've been
equally bad,

no sin being greater than another.

then i look at all the bruises
and cuts,
the bandages around my
head and arms,
my busted heart and torn psyche,

and think, what the hell, why not.
it's your moral duty
to call them out.

it' a dilemma trying
to decide what to do.

sometimes you let them off the hook
while other times,

you know it doesn't matter
what you do,
they will be who they are until
the end of time.

your exposing them will just
be a minor bump
in the road

and off the go, doing what comes
naturally to them.

deceit, corruption, immorality
and lies.

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