Saturday, November 16, 2019

sunny side up

I don't like going to the dentist
but I go.
tax time, I dread, the paper work,
but it beats
jail time.
car inspection is painful.
waiters that are too friendly.
I don't like long lines,
or crowded rooms, big events,
i'd rather be alone.
I don't like needles,
tetanus shots,
flu shots.
any kind of shot where a sharp
needle punctures my skin.
i'm not happy with the weather
when it's too hot
or too cold.
scraping ice or shoveling is
not my thing.
answering the phone these days
is tough.
so is writing an email, or
a letter or sending out a card.
all that writing. stamps
to put on.
loud people. get away.
stingy people.
crass and crude people, out the door.
pea soup, no.
lima beans, or liver. good lord.
or kale? check please.
indian food, or food I've never
eaten before.
forget about it.

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