Sunday, November 17, 2019

anchored down

when I worked in an office
a thousand years ago,

I could see that almost everyone
was basically

unhappy with their lives.
side by side,

shoulder against shoulder
paper onto papers.

it might as well been coal.

I knew I wouldn't be there long.
I wasn't cut
from the same cloth as they were.

my wings were clipped, a caged
bird that wasn't singing,
sorry angelou,

but I stuck it out, did
what I could

to get the job done, earn
my keep.

but it was more about the coffee
break. happy hour.

the picnic, the parties,
the new secretary

that I couldn't wait to meet.

the work meant nothing to me.
a grind
and I could see it in those
around me,

but they had no way out,
no way over the fence, with
and families.
mortgages, bills,

life had anchored them down.

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