Saturday, November 16, 2019

let's go to mars, yo

let's go to mars
they say. let's settle
the red planet.

come on, it'll be fun.
expensive as hell, yes, but
we can take it out of the education
or siphon it off from
cancer research,
or how to stop global warming.

let's go, they say

completely forgetting that there's
no air,
no water, no
Starbucks there.

don't they realize
that humans will
be inhabiting
this strange red planet.

look around, are we doing a good job
what would be different a million
miles away.

are we sending jesus, and ghandi.
mister rogers?

no, we're sending the likes of us.
human, with all our
faults, our prejudices, our
troubles and cares,
our woes.

maybe fix earth first before
wrecking another planet, just a

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