Tuesday, November 26, 2019

help me, i'm poor again

we all do stupid things,

take my sister for example.
bad choice.

the list is too long there,
and she
means well.

a very kind heart, though
misguided at times.

but we all have lapses
in judgement.

don't give money to people
who don't have

not the poor and indigent,
the lost
but those that have worked
their whole
and blew it all on wine
women and song.

or sex drugs and alcohol.

they will recover, they always do.
given time,
given enough ways to dig
their way out of the hole
they've dug
themselves into for the tenth

some people are the proverbial
with nine lives.

and when they're in mid flight
when falling
their hands are out,
begging for help.
I've seen it over and over
and over again.

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