Wednesday, November 27, 2019

the good deed

i see the mailman
through the window with his heavy
leather bag,

today he has two.
filled to the brim with letters,

he's dragging, so i throw on some
clothes and shoes
and got out to ask him if can help.

sure, he says, giving me his
hat and lighting a cigarette.

you take the odds, he says, and
i'll take the evens.

i look at him and say, but i'd
rather have the evens.

he blows smoke into my face, no,
he says.

it's my way or the highway.

oh for god's sake, i tell him,
i'll take the odds,
and start my route.

but i resent it the whole way.
and it's not as much fun as i
thought it would be.

why are all these dogs barking
and trying to get through
the door to bite me?

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