Thursday, November 14, 2019

the good sister

the sister used
to dye her hair blue, streaks of blue.

she was over sixty.

her and her boyfriend loved to eat.
ask them
where to get the best chicken
legs in town
and they'd give
you their top five places,
the addresses and streets.

both retired. both living small
on what came in.

food seemed to be their primary destination.
it was a feast when
the Chinese boxes arrived.
a duck, a fish, fried rice
with no end.

they kept a clean house. some guns
were lying about.

no cats though, or dogs.
a crazy sister in the mix. a set
of aging parents

battled daily over the salt shaker,
or sugar bowl.

but i really liked them. they were
real people.

eccentric and odd, but genuine souls
who lived and let live.

they were fun. generous and bold.

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