Friday, November 8, 2019

nothing left to eat

don't drink milk.
or eat
meat, red meat.
that chicken has been shot
up with anti biotics.
stay away from sugar
or anything
in a box, or bag.
processed food.
salt, sweeteners equals death.
on the salads, on the box
of rice.
read the label. it's a chemistry
forget about orange juice
in a bottle. coffee too.
those eggs are bad
for you.
that piece of fish,
you don't know where it's been
swimming. it's
full of mercury,
farm raised. no.
not good.
butter, oils, not good.
and wheat,
throw them all away.
even the apple, be careful
it might be sprayed.
there's not much
left to eat anymore
if you read
the papers and watch oprah.
even the
tap water will kill you.
I remember when bacon
used to be at the top
of the food pyramid,
followed by milk and eggs
and a rib eyed steak.
those days are gone.

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