Friday, November 15, 2019

come soon, please

for some reason my house
is a mess.

i'm the only one who lives here.
no dog, or cat.
not a single living plant.

no wife underfoot with her clothes
and makeup
and avocado skins,
yogurt cups left about.

no, none of that, just me.

so many wet towels, and shoes
tossed about.

who did this?
these crumbs and cups left
on the table.

the sink piled up
with dishes. a tray
of chicken wings, cold
in the oven.

who left the light on in
the basement? the door ajar.

who forgot to pull the plug
on the tub,
or put the milk back into
the fridge?

guilty as charged.
not sure if I can wait two
more weeks for the maid to come.

I might have to throw up
the beam of light,
with the broom and mop, shine
it against the clouds,
to signal her rescue.

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