Saturday, November 16, 2019

breathing is a good thing

my man, my main man at jiffy
lube, Ed,
you need a new cabin filter.
he brings it into
the little
cell, called a waiting
room and shakes his head.
there's a leaf
and some dust in it.
ninety dollars, he says.
but you need to breathe,
I think about it for a
then agree, breathing is
a good thing.
put in a clean one, I tell him.
oh and the wipers, they
ain't working too good
are they?
seems to be smearing
the windshield when
you put them on. as your
oil technician I would advise
that you put in
new ones, it would be good
to see where you're going,
wouldn't it.
I put my ten year old
people magazine down
and nod my head yes.
seeing is also a good thing.
thanks, Ed.

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