Saturday, September 5, 2020

to bake a cake or riot?

my friend jimmy calls me up
to ask
if i want to go downtown with him,
well, actually looting
in the middle of a riot about
going on in the news.
he says he's hoping
that the crowd surges towards
and lord and taylor's at some
he wants to get a pair of skinny
and a new watch.
i tell him, no.
no thanks.
i mean i'm all for the cause
and all that,
but i'm in the middle of baking
a cake
and i have socks to sort,
sheets to fold.
by the way,
do you know how to fold a fitted
the first woman i find that
teaches me how to do that,
i'll marry her on the spot.
but have fun.
be careful.
don't forget your helmet
and tear gas mask.
and if you pass through north
feel free to tear down some
of those awful abstract
sculptures that litter the boulevard.
absolutely horrible.
not every twisted piece of metal
is art for God's sake.

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