Thursday, September 24, 2020

is that even a face?

it often
seems that the most disturbed
are the ones
who take yoga.
quote buddha.
you see them in the grocery
with their recycled
bags. they
eat fresh fruit and vegetables,
they don't eat
anything with a face
on it.
but fish are okay.
(is that even a face?)
they ask you everyday,
are you going to vote
are you going to vote.
they're up early everyday
to take a picture
of the sunrise, which
they send to you.
they like to march.
they like
to chant. they have mantras.
they like to hold your hand
to the fire
because you aren't like
good citizens.
world citizens.
they sweep their walks
they have compost piles.
they attend church
they make lemonaide
out of lemons.
but you get the feeling
that behind
closed doors they are 
wringing their hands
together,  lost souls,
full of angst and doubt.

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