Monday, September 28, 2020

atlantic movie theater

in the old days
we'd stand outside the Atlantic
theater in southeast DC
and wait for the ticket
box to open.
fifty cents for a double feature.
a nickel for a box
of candy.
a dime for popcorn.
a dime for a fountain coke.
sometimes there'd be
three movies.
all back to back with
hardly a minute between
you could hear the projector
above, emitting a wide
ray of light
onto the screen
as the reels were changed,
then the lights dimmed,
the curtain was pulled back
and the next movie would begin.
once in a while
you might be with some girl
you had a crush on.
you'd hold her hand until
it got so sweaty that you
had to wipe it on your pants.
if you had the courage
you might touch her knee, 
which make your heart
almost pound out of your

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