Tuesday, September 29, 2020

it is here

into homes

we go against our will.
brick houses

along the roads.
a cheerless

path leading up to the door

the storm door hangs on rusted hinges.
it's here

that they wheel you in.
call you by
your first name, as if they
know you.

it's here
where someone will play
the piano, out of key.

where the dinner will ring
and feed you food
you won't remember.

it's here in this place

where your room will be.
a picture on the wall.
the curtains hung
coming up short against the sill.

there will be a  stranger
with a needle, a pan. a cup
of water

put towards your lips
as you
try to breathe. they will smile
as if you are
a small child. and then

it will come to you, 

the circle is complete.

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