Friday, September 25, 2020

going to hell on a speed pass

i end up on a channel
a televangelist.
his hair slicked back with
whale oil.
his suit striped and bold,
shiny, like
a fish out of water.
the orchestra
behind him. the choir in gowns.
his big haired
blonde wife
at the organ.
her face stuck in a smile.
there's clapping, there's
there's fainting as he
puts his hand on their heads,
healing them from
what ails them.
kidney stones and indigestion.
corns on their toes.
for five dollars you too
can have what they have.
for fifty your
cupboard will
overflow. for a hundred
your crops will grow.
your stars will align.
the phone numbers scroll
at the bottom of
the screen.
a special number for
Puerto Rico.
it's mesmerizing.
in some strange car
wreck of a way.
you wonder if they're all
eventually going to 
hell on a speed pass.

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