Monday, September 28, 2020

small talk emoji

i laminate a bunch of words
cards that i string around my
when someone asks me how
am i.
i flip to the card that says.
Fine, and you?
when they say, so how is your
day going so far, i find the card
that says, great, and you?
when they ask me what kind
of coffee i want, i flip
to that laminated card and
have a picture of a grande
americano on it.
i'm sort of done with chit chat.
and small talk.
when someone points out
that i have a splotch of ketchup
on my shirt.
i find the card that says, i know.
thanks for pointing that out.
then turn to the card with a 
smiley face on it.
i'm taking emojis to the next level.
i point at my throat and 
pretend to have laryngitis .
i find the sick emoji card.
i let a sound out that sounds
like ahhhh. which makes
them back away.
it's saving me so much time,
and useless conversations.
i flip to the card that says,
nice to see you, goodbye.
i turn to the hand wave emoji.
people need to get used it in
person, like that do in texting.

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