Tuesday, September 15, 2020

the corner grocery store

the grocery store
has become full service now.

in these hard times they've
cut corners. reduced staff.

if you want an egg, go over
to a chicken coop
and squeeze one out of a waiting

there's a pool of fish
and a net to use, a board
to cut
and chop, filet, crabs
and lobsters
are in the basement
crawling about in a foot of 
sea water.

there's a 
a cow standing in aisle
with a bucket
and a stool.

in the back there
are apple trees,
bananas too,
but watch out for monkeys,
they like to bite,

that part of the store 
has become veritable

you can grind your own
coffee beans,
select your own pig
or cow. nameless now.

shovel rice into your arms,
or pick
peppers until the sun goes

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