Monday, September 14, 2020

here on earth

the conversations takes a wild
left turn,
drinking is involved
when she says that she believes
in ufo's, aliens
the loch ness monster,
big foot
and there was a conspiracy
in the death of Kennedy,
it wasn't just Oswald
who acted alone.
i notice a tattoo on her arm.
a silver saucer
with little green men
going down the ramp.
she says that she was abducted
once and taken
high into the sky
where these creatures
had their way with her.
i have the scars to prove it,
she says. and lifts up
her blue hair to show me
two marks on the back of her
that's where they probed me.
over and over again.
i still have flashbacks.
that's nothing i tell her,
then begin to tell her about
my last relationship, but
here on earth.
oh my, she says, that's
horrible. so much worse
than mine.

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