Monday, September 2, 2024

the talk at Coney Island

we take
a walk down to Coney Island.
it's early
in the day,
it's cold and damp.
the sea is a grey wash
the brown sand.
it's October already.
but it's as good as place
as any
to tell her
it's over.
there's no joy in this.
we sit on a bench
the closed roller coaster,
the Ferris wheel.
even the hot dog stands
and shops
are shut down.
it's a blustery day. i button
my coat up to the top
and take
my hand from hers,
and tell her,
that i have something
to say.
she looks at me, and smiles
with a tear in her eye,
and tells
me that this isn't working
i'm in love with
another man, she says,
which breaks my heart.

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