Thursday, September 19, 2024

rarely am i bored with you

they say
only boring people get bored.
i beg
to differ.
i can ride my bike about
ten miles
and then
i'm bored
and have to get off.
i've seen enough.
an hour in the pool
splashing around
and i
want to get out
and lie on a chair.
an hour
i have to walk
and skip stones
in the lake. if i'm bored
with tv,
i can easily turn it off,
if i'm bored with a book
i throw
it across the room,
if i'm
bored with a tuna caserole,
i dump
it all in the trash.
i'm bored with many things,
many many
but never, or should i say,
rarely am i ever
bored with you.

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